Saturday, May 31, 2008

Off tomorrow!

I'm leaving tomorrow! I'm excited but I have SO much to do before I arrive in NYC via my favorite sketchy form of transportation, the Fung Wah bus. The haters can hate- I love it. 15 dollars AND it gets me about 20 minutes closer to Brooklyn than the Greyhound (which comes into Port Authority on 42nd)? Yes please.

I want to start looking for places to speak Italian this summer. You lose so much of a language when you don't speak it for 3 monthes, and I've learned too much Italian this year to give it up lightly.

I hope people come and visit!! Come visit me, people! How can you pass up the wonders of NYC? We can hop from free museum night to free museum night and eat hot dogs in Central Park in between.

Another thing I want to find before too long- a good place to read that's not Starbucks (WHY IS THE COFFEE SO EXPENSIVE??). Maybe the BK Public Library? The NYC Public Library at Bryant Park is also supposed to be really nice...

Any suggestions that don't involve 4.50 iced soy caramel macchiatos that neither my wallet nor my soft teeth :( need?

Friday, May 30, 2008

To Do- Or, How to Spend the Money I Won't be Making!

I've been thinking a lot lately about all the stuff I want to do in New York City- places I've never been, food I've never explored, etc! I'd LOVE to hear what you guys think, too- where are some places I shouldn't miss?

So far...

  • check out thrift stores but don't buy a lot of clothes- I never end up wearing them! Maybe look for vintage necklaces or bags...
  • find the best cupcake. I'm totally not convinced it's at Magnolia of SNL fame, although I'll have to try it before I decide for sure. I found someplace on the UWS (Upper West Side) that is very delish- the last time I was there two businessmen were sharing cupcakes after work. Adorable.
  • find a used bookstore that sells Italian books. Contemporary ones. This may be a challenge. The last Italian bookstore I went after totally didn't exist.
  • teach the bf to cook. This will be FUN.
  • go to the Brooklyn Botanical Garden, which is supposed to be great, and the Brooklyn museum.

That's it for now, I think...of course I'll be haunting my favorite NYC spots- Union Square, the junky clothing shops in SoHo, and the B&N in Park Slope to read mags for free. And there's always the Madison Square Park Shake Shack, which did not recieve enough of my business last year. Flavor-of-the-day frozen custard, here I come!

Things I'll miss here include dinner on the deck (when the bugs are absent), Settlers (if you don't know, it's really safer not to ask) and all of my friends.

Off to the city soon...

Hey guys! Not sure who (if anyone) will be reading this, but I just felt in the mood for a new blog. LJ is all fine and dandy, but I want to have a blog just for writing about my adventures in New York.

I'm leaving on Sunday! Excited but nervous...This is my second summer and I'm going back to the same internship.

And living here:

Oh, Park Slope, you are one of the most gorgeous places ever. Although I'm not used to having to WALK home with a week and a half's worth of groceries- should I just buy one of those old-lady metal carts and get over myself? Probably. Will I? Probably not. My shoulders will (maybe!) survive.